Lodge Events -
Lodge Events

Worshiful master Tim Buckner receives Demolay award

Cartersville #63 celebrates perpetual members

Worshipful Brother Johnny Devenport is recognized as the first repeat Worshipful Master since 1944

Cartersville #63 Recognizes it's Past Masters


Worshipful Brother Joe Tatum receives his 25 year award from Worshipful Master Bill Satterfield and Worshipful Brother Howard Howell

Worshipful Brother Wayne Wix receives his Honorary Member Award from Worshipful Master Bill Satterfield

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Brother Mike Ellington receives Honorary Member Award from Worshipful Master Bill Satterfield

Grand Master Benjamin Polston visits Cartersville#63 for family/awards night

WB Mark Mayton receives a Tip of the Hat award form the 7 G Lodges for the work he does

Cartersville #63 Tip of the Hat presents WB Howard M Howell with a Lodge Jacket in recognition for his work for the Lodge

Cartersville #63 Awards Night 2023

John Waymne Evans 50 year award

WB William Alexander 60 year award

James Moore 60 year award

Cartersville #63 recognises WB Howard M Howell as "Mason of the Year 2023"

Cartersville#$63 recognizes 50 year masons.

CONGRATULATIONS Worshipful Brother Frankie James elected Worshipful Master Bartow County Convention 2022 - 2023>

Three Buckner generations

Mike Elzey receives his 25 year award

Mark Richardson receives his 25 year award

Paul Young receives his 50 year award

Buddy Fine receives his 50 year award

Worshipful Master Robert Knight presnts 25 year award to Worshipful Brother Tom Moseley

Cartersville #63

Family Night July 19, 2022

Most Worshipful Grand Master
Donald C. Combs

Worshi[ful Master Robert Knight welcomes two new Master Masons to Cartersville#63

Left to right, Billy Stone, Worshipful Master Robert Knight, Tyler Blackman

Left to right: Scott Blackman Worshipful Master of Cartersville Lodge helps to present Perpetual Member plaques to recipient Bill Wooten and recipient W.B. Bill Satterfield

presented by The Grand Master of Georgia Masons, Most Worshipful Brother Jan M. Giddens

Worshipful Master of Scott Blackman of Cartersville #63 With Most Worshipful Brother Thomas L. Blanton present Perpetual Membership Plaque to Worshipful Brother Paul O'Neal

Cartersville#$63 recognizes 50 year masons. 387 years of Masonry in one picture.

Worshipful Master Scott Blackmon invites all present and past masters to the East

Worshipful Master Pro Tem Ron Noles John W Aiken #457 presents Worshipful Brother Billy Satterfield the Traveling Gavel

Worshipful Master Scott Blackmon congratulates Worshipful Brother William "Bill" Saterfield for receiving Master Mason of the year for 2021

Worshipful Brother William "Bill" Saterfield receives Master Mason of the year for 2021, Presented by Most Worshipful Brother Thomas Blanton

Worshipful Brother William "Bill" Saterfield receives his Past Masters Apron December 1st 2020 for a job well done from Carterville Lodge #63. Presented to him by Worshipful Brother Frankie Jmes, Secretary of Cartersville Lodge

Worshipful Brother Mark Mayton, the New District Deputy to the Grand Master of 7G received his District Deputy Collar and Apron from the Grand Tyler Jim Childress

Worshipful Brother Ron Noles receives his Honorary Membership from Cartersville 63


The Most Worshipful Gramd Masters visit to Sub-District 7G

Grand Master Johnie M. Garmon

On July 21, 2020, the Grand Master visited Sub-District 7G hosted by Cartersville Lodge#63. A great evening was had by all. The officers chairs were filled by the Master or his Representatives from each 7G lodge. Cartersville Worshipful Master Bill Satterfield would like to thank all that filled the chairs and all those that attened. Two 50 Year Awards were presented by the Grand Master

Brother Charles Lowery received his 60 year award from the Grand Master

Worshipful Brother Bemis Lochlear received his 50 year award from the Grand Master

Most Worshipful Past Grandmaster Thomas Blanton presents Worshipful Brother Frankie James with Cartersville Lodge #63

Master Mason of the year award

Most Worshipful Past Grandmaster Thomas Blanton presents brother John Baker with a perpetual membership certificate

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Worshipful Master Frankie James invites all present and past masters to the east

Cartersville Lodge #63 presents 50 year awards to Honorary Past Master Bill Wooten and Worshipful Brother Joe Ingram

Worshipful Brother Mark Mayton receives his 25 year award

Worshipful Brother Alton Kay receives his 25 year award


Brother Craig Milsap receives his 25 year award

50 year award recipients

From left to right, Brother James Harris Allen Jr, Most Worshipful Brother Thomas L. Blanton, Brother John Robert Turner

Cartersville honorary member and Worshipful Brother Walt Lochridge receives his 50 year award along with his son receiving his 25 year award

Worshipful Master Mark Mayton invites all present and past masters to seats in the east" <

Worshipful Brother Alton Kay is named "Master Mason of the Year"


Brother Jim Moore is named "Honorable Past Master"


Worshipful Master Alfred Ragan presents Honorary Membership Certificates to Brother Jim McDonald and Worshipful Brother Tom Moseley

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div align="center"> Worshipful Brother Howard Howell presents a Perpetual Membership award gan pin to Junioor Warden Frankie Jame


Worshipful Master Alton Kay presents Honorary Membership Awards to: Randal James, Euharlee Lodge. Bill Windham, John W. Aikin Lodge and Bob Rogers, East Floyd Lodge


Worshipful Master Alton Kay presents a check to support the Backpack Buddies


Worshipful Brother Bill Alexander receives an Honorary Mebership Certificate from Worshipful Master Homer Cowart, Euharlee Lodge


Worshipful Brother Bill Alexander receives a certificate honoring his 9 years as Blood Drive Chairman from Worshipful Brother DDGM Jim Childress

Worshipful Master Alton Kay presents an Honorary Membership Certificate to Worshipful Brother Alfred Ragan

Worshipful Master Alton Kay receives an Honorary Membership certificate to John W. Aikin Lodge by Worshipful Brother Jim Childress

Worshipful Brother Jan Giddens, Senior Grand Deacon presents the Alfred E. Gaarner Jr. Masonic Eagle Scout Award to Worthy Eagle Scout Donald Paul Sweeny at Cartersville Lodge No. 63

Brother Coy John Cole receives his 50 year certificate and apron

Brother Dean Lewis receives his 50 year certificate and apron

Brother George White receives his 50 year award and apron

Senior Warden Mark Mayton receives his 25 year award

Worshipful Maste Alton Kay invites all present and past masters to seats in the East


Honorary Past Master Bill Wooten honored for his service

Cooking on the Creek

Brothers Mark Mayton, Frankie James and WB Tony Ross receive honorary membership certificates from WM Alfred Regan of John W. Aikin Lodge

Worshipful Brother Tony Ross receies his 2017 Master Mason of the year award

Worshipful Brother Bill Cantrell receives a 50 year Royal Arch Mason award

Worshipful Brother Paul O'Neal and brother Marvin Couey receieve their 25 year awards

Brother Fred Gunn Jr. received his 60 year award

Worshipful Brother Jack Galloway receies his 50 year award

Worshipful Brother Tom Bishop receies his 25 year award

Worshipful Brother Jphnny Davenport receies his 50 year award

Worshipful Brother James Vance receives a shadowbox commerating his year as Worshipful Master

Worshipful Brother James Vance receives his 2016 "Master Mason of the year" award

Worshipful Brother Jack Galloway receies his 2015 Master Mason of the year award

Cartersville Lodge regular communication, a presentation was made to the Cartersville/Bartow County Back Pack Program

From left to right: Paula Womack, Back Pack Representative James Vance, Cartersville Lodge Senior Warden, Adam Chadwick, Cartersville Lodge Worshipful Master and Maria Hoffman, Back Pack Representative receiving check.

Cartersville Lodge#63
50 year awards night
July 15th 2014

From left: Wor. Bro. Charles Thomas, Bro. Thomas Evans, Grand Master Edgar M. Land presenting awards and Wor. Bro. Bill Alexander. All three received their 50 year awards.

Most Worshipful Brother Thomas L. Blanton presents Jim Moore with his 50 year award

Worshipful Master Adam Chadwick invites all present and past masters to the East


Worshipful Master Adam Chadwick presents Worshipful Brother Howard Howell with Master Mason of the year 2014 plaque

Worshipful brothers Jacob and Adam Griffith participate in the initiation of their brother newly initiated brother Carl David Griffith

Cartersville #63 Brothers spruce up the front of the lodge

Bartow County Masonic Blood Drive workers and donors

Most Worshipful Grand Master E. Ray Knittle presents 25 year award to Victor Chambers

Worshipful Master Adam Griffith presents Mason of the Year plaque to Worshipful Brother Bill Alexander

Brothers Adam Griffith and Jacob Griffith are installed as Worshipful Masters of Cartersville #63 and Beaulah #698 for 2013

Congratulations to our newest Master Masons, Junior Smith, Adam Henson and Ron Thomas after returning their Masters catechism

Worshipful Master Paul O'Neal presents a "pictorial representation of the traveling gavel" to Floyd Del Adcok for John W. Aikin Lodge

Worshipful Master Paul O'Neal receives a Demolay Pin from Past Grand Master Thomas L. Blanton

Worshipful Master Terry Hoyt presents display cabinet dedicated to Past Grand Master Thomas L. Blanton

Worshipful Brother William E. Cantrell receives his 50 year award from Worshipful Brother, brother 50 Year Mason, Marc Cantrell

Brother Thomas Denney receives his 50 year award

Worshipful Master Terry Hoyt receives his 25 year pin from Kathy

Cartersville#63 Past Masters Night

Jordan "BigT" Dasinger completes his Master Mason Exam

Past Grand Master Thomas L. Blanton presents District Deputy Harry Worthington an Honorary Membership to Cartersville #63

Worshipful Master Terry Hoyt invites all present and past masters to seats in the East

Worshipful Master Terry Hoyt presents Brother Bill Trott his Perpetual Membership Pin

Tony Hamby and Ernie Miller lead off the Euharlee Christmas Parade

John Cook receives his Perpetual Membership Pin from Worshipful Master Bill Alexander

Friends visit Worshipful Master Bill Alexander

Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, Leonard E. Buffington
presented a 50 year award to Claude Vernon Ellis on Cartersville #63's Family Night

Our Newest Master Masons, Justin Turner, Scott Roberts & Andrew Jett receive their certificates and aprons after completing their Masters Catachism

Senior Deacon Adam Griffith at Masonic Home Work Day

Worshipful Master Bill Alexander invited all past and present Masters to seats in the East!!

Senior Warden Terry Hoyt receiving a "Master Mason of the Year" award from Worshipful Master Bill Alexander

Senior Deacon Adam Griffith receives his Perpetual Membership Pin from Worshipful Master Bill Alexander

Senior Warden Terry Hoyt receives his Perpetual Membership Pin from Worshipful Master Bill Alexander

2009 Worshipful Master Tim Howell receives his Perpetual Membership Pin from his family